Log in to your account, Navigate to the"Account Settings"section and Choose"Nominee"from the options on the page.

Click on the tab "Add Nominee[s]". Fill out the following details under Primary nominee:
Name:Enter the full name of the nominee
Percentage:Percentage of holdings to be transferred to the nominee
Nominee Type:Choose the option from the drop-down as per the type of nominee being added. The nominee type can either be a person or an entity
Email:Email ID of the nominee
Date of Birth:Enter the DOB of a nominee
Phone Number:Contact number of the nominee
It is recommended to have at least 1 primary nominee, however, adding a contingent beneficiary is optional. You can add up to 4 primary nominees as long as the total adds up to 100%.
Similarly, you can also add up to 4 contingent nominees as long as the total adds up to 100%. To know more about a primary& contingent nominee clickhere.

Once the relevant information is filled you can click on "Save" to save the nominee details.
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