How many securities are available on Stockal?
Stockal offers over 5,500 stocks and ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) listed on NASDAQ and NYSE - as of now. Our platform includes almost all the marquee listed companies in the US with billion-dollar market caps.
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Which stock markets are available on the platform?
Currently, Stockal helps you invest in US stock markets which areNYSEandNASDAQ. In the near future, we will have multiple other markets available - Germany, Japan, India, UK, and Hong Kong. Over time, we will make investing totally ubiquitous - if ...
Which are the countries from where Stockal can be used?
Stockal is currently available to investors in India and most of the countries in Middle East& North Africa (MENA).We will shortly become available to investors in other South-east Asian Countries.
What is the safety-net on my account? What if Stockal goes down?
Your international investing accounts are held by brokerage and clearing services provider DriveWealth LLC and will serve as the custodian for your securities account. If Stockal goes down, your account will still be safe and secure with DriveWealth ...
Who owns the stocks?
You own the stocks through your account with Stockal and DriveWealth.
Who is the custodian of my account?
Stockal's US brokerage partner, DriveWealth LLC, is the custodian of your brokerage account.