Where a person is a ROR he/she is required to file his/her income tax return if the person has any kind of foreign assets. The reporting in this regard would be as follows: 1. Details of foreign assets and income from any source outside India ...
No, the tax incidence is on the event of "Transfer" or a "Sell" of securities by the client on Stockal platform. The remittance of any funds lying outside India has no connection with the tax incidence.
Yes, tax needs to be paid on Foreign dividend both in US and India. However, an Indian Resident individual can claim Tax credit of taxes paid in US by virtue of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) entered into between India and US by filing a ...
A percentage of TDS applies only on the customer’s dividend earnings. This is when stocks in their portfolio give out dividends to their investors. US and India have a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA). This means that the customer pays tax ...
Yes, any cost incurred on account of sale or transfer of asset is allowable as a deduction while computing the Capital Gains. However, it is pertinent to note that AUM charges and annual subscription charges incurred cannot be claimed as deduction as ...